I’ve never been a big fan of New Year, it’s always felt like a let down – this may or may not have something to do with an ex boyfriend ending our relationship a few hours before midnight but that’s another story. January has never been my favourite month either. It feels quite bleak and …

20 resolutions for 2020

Follow my blog with Bloglovin 1. Get to a healthy weight – I don’t want to take medication for cholesterol and blood pressure. I need to get to a healthy weight for my height, especially if I plan to pursue my dream of having a baby. 2. Be more eco friendly – I’ve bought reusable …

Lightbulb moment

I feel as light as a feather, like a huge weight (that I didn’t even know I was carrying) has been lifted. Stumbling across this one blog site on their Pinterest page has literally changed my life and helped me gain such clarity about who I am. This image in particular switched the lightbulb on. …

Healthy body, healthy mind

Having been overweight for many years, I’ve tried lots of different ways to lose weight (Slimming World, Weight watchers twice, calorie counting, low carb) and having had varying degrees of success losing and then regaining more weight, this time it needs to be different. The run up to Christmas may not be the wisest time …

Finally got my sassy back

As you know, I’m back at work after a lengthy absence. It was absolutely the best thing I ever did; taking my time and listening to my body. I mean really listening to my body. I’ve learned that antibiotics work faster if you rest rather than push through, taking a few days off if necessary. …

Wonder Woman is back

What a difference a day makes. I’ve flipped my attitude on its head and am ready to get back on the horse. I’m going back to work and I’m going to succeed. I had a really good chat with my GP and they gave me some brilliant tips. Which I’ll share with you now. The …

Feeling the dread

This evening, I’m comfort eating after going all day without eating. I have no appetite. I really can’t face going back to work. I’m dreading it. I know I need to go back but I need to look for something else. I can’t do this long term. I’m not 100% sure, I’ll be able to …

Same shit, different day

After being on sick leave for most of this year, I’m about to return to work. My anxiety levels are rising, despite my efforts to calm myself and distract myself. In all honesty, I feel sick to my stomach. I am dreading it. I’ve been in the same line of work pretty much since I …

The benefit of pets

They say that pets have health benefits, e.g. lowering blood pressure. My cat may not be lowering my blood pressure but he certainly does wonders for my mental health. He may be spoiled rotten – I’ve just had to fix the duvet cover so he can lie down after his breakfast – but in taking …

Reducing the stigma…starting with me

I’ve watched documentaries on the BBC made by Nadiya Hussain (Great British Bake Off winner) about her anxiety and former adviser to Tony Blair, Alastair Campbell about the impact of his depression. It is so powerful to hear people in the public eye who are successful, talk about their mental health. Even this afternoon, as …

Getting my craft on

What I’ve realised since being off work with stress and anxiety is that I need a creative outlet as part of my self-care. I’ve dabbled in knitting – something that I haven’t done since I was a child. I’ve taught myself how to purl and started to incorporate it into my knitting. I’m not likely …

Leaving my bubble

I’ve been off sick with stress, anxiety and depression following on from a sinus infection and how it impacted my asthma since May. I’m feeling a lot better, more like me again. I’m still not there yet but I’m a hell of a lot better than I was even this time last year. The thing …

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I know it is only November. I know that Thanksgiving is yet to happen, but I’m feeling Christmassy. I love the twinkling fairy lights, glitter, sparkle and general loveliness. I love hearing Christmas songs in the shops and seeing all the gorgeous decorations. At a time when there is so much that is bleak and …

Are we in a parallel universe?

I reached the age of majority, i.e. voting age at 18. At 40, I have been eligible and registered to vote for 22 years. I no longer live in the UK nor am I registered to vote there but my family and friends still live there and are impacted upon the results of referenda and …