‘Rent free’…no more!

I had an epiphany in the shower this morning. (This is where I do my best thinking.) I realised that my tormentor has been living inside my head ‘rent free’ zapping my confidence for years. I say tormentor but I now think of her as a dementor, who not only sucks the joy from life …

The not so reluctant gardener

I’m by no means an expert gardener, quite the opposite but I’m learning. I live in rented accommodation so while I have outside space, I’m keeping my garden portable! I started buying plants and pots to put them in when I was off work last year. I started with the herbs thyme and rosemary, two …

The benefit of pets

They say that pets have health benefits, e.g. lowering blood pressure. My cat may not be lowering my blood pressure but he certainly does wonders for my mental health. He may be spoiled rotten – I’ve just had to fix the duvet cover so he can lie down after his breakfast – but in taking …

Technology is not my strong point!

So I decided to transfer my blog from my wordpress.com site to my own website. I want to expand my horizons and make more of my blog…ideally earn some money from it. I’ve got a lot to learn!! I started off the way I always do when I want to find something out….I Googled it. …