Operation future

I’m still confused about the situation with my ex. I’m sad that he’s not going to be part of my future in a romantic sense. One thing I do know is that I want to be a Mum. That’s not going to happen with my ex so I have to start focussing on me, what …

My emotional rollercoaster

It’s been a while since I’ve been the person in a relationship who was the one who wanted to continue the relationship. I have to say, it hurts like hell. Rejection always does. I’m finding this really difficult. It’s so different from my last relationship break up. I ended that relationship, I’d given all I …

Feelings are tricky things

There are some things that I just don’t understand and never will. The main one is how two people who love each other, get on well, have chemistry, enjoy talking to each other, spending time together and have a lot in common cannot continue in a relationship. My now ex and I were talking earlier, …

Relationship woes

I find myself single again. Last week, my now ex boyfriend told me that continuing our relationship when he couldn’t make time to spend with me wasn’t fair on me. I did not see this coming. I figured that once his work schedule change, things would get better. A week on, we are now engaged …