They say that pets have health benefits, e.g. lowering blood pressure. My cat may not be lowering my blood pressure but he certainly does wonders for my mental health. He may be spoiled rotten – I’ve just had to fix the duvet cover so he can lie down after his breakfast – but in taking that time to snuggle up with him it gave me a moment to be utterly present. He cuddled into me and as I rubbed his head, his loud purring was incredibly soothing.

He has also given me something else to focus on, he needs me to feed him and let him in and out. I live in rented accommodation so there’s no cat flap. This has given me a reason to think about someone other than me. He relies on me. He’s very vocal so we have conversations and he has a funny character so he gives me reason to smile. He is great company.

He was a bit off his food a couple of weeks ago and just not himself. He also vomited a worm so after a quick trip to the vets, he had a sore throat for which he got antibiotics and I’ve since given him a worming tablet as advised by the vet. I was not popular giving him that tablet!! He has since forgiven me. He is now back to full health and himself again.

He has been my constant companion since I’ve been off work. I’m going to miss him when I go back to work. I think we’ll both feel a bit lost when that happens. So for now, I’m going to enjoy having all day with my boy and make the most of our time together after I’m back at work. I’m nervous about that but for now I’m snuggling with my boy.

Published by Sassyscot79

I'm 40 and fabulous! I love good wine, nice gin and good food. Prefer cosy nights in to wild nights out and am figuring out the rest as I go along!!