Having been overweight for many years, I’ve tried lots of different ways to lose weight (Slimming World, Weight watchers twice, calorie counting, low carb) and having had varying degrees of success losing and then regaining more weight, this time it needs to be different.

The run up to Christmas may not be the wisest time of year to make changes, but making a start is (for me) half the battle. I’ve decided that rather than embark on a whole new “diet” that I know won’t last. I’ll make one change a week.

I have this app on my iPhone called Pacer, which is a pedometer but also allows me to log my weight, blood pressure, etc. I can add activities, e.g. my walking routes using the GPS on my phone. I can also join monthly challenges, i.e. monthly steps challenge to encourage me to be more active.

Pacer on the App store

So that is my change for this coming week, to be more active. I’ll be able to check how many steps and miles I did last week and increase it this week. It feels very manageable. Yes, I’ll see how many steps others are doing, but the only person I’m in competition with is me.

Increased physical activity will also benefit my mental health so it’s win win. This is going to be my approach in 2020 too. Small manageable changes heading towards my goal of being healthy physically and mentally and ultimately have a baby (Maybe baby)

I’ll keep you posted how I get on and I would love to hear if you have any tips for changes that have worked for you.

Published by Sassyscot79

I'm 40 and fabulous! I love good wine, nice gin and good food. Prefer cosy nights in to wild nights out and am figuring out the rest as I go along!!