My Coronavirus Diary 15

I had no idea back in March 2020 when Coronavirus first came to Ireland that 21 months later, it would still be here, still evolving and still dominating everyone’s lives. This is my second Christmas away from my family. I found last year very hard. I was very emotional and really felt alone. That was …


Perhaps it is the time of year but I’m feeling quite nostalgic. Thinking about childhood memories from years ago, one in particular, my Granny’s sherry trifle. On New Year’s Day, we always used to go to my paternal Granny’s for dinner. The menu was always the same: homemade soup, steak pie with potatoes and peas …


I’ve never been a big fan of New Year, it’s always felt like a let down – this may or may not have something to do with an ex boyfriend ending our relationship a few hours before midnight but that’s another story. January has never been my favourite month either. It feels quite bleak and …