I know it is only November. I know that Thanksgiving is yet to happen, but I’m feeling Christmassy. I love the twinkling fairy lights, glitter, sparkle and general loveliness. I love hearing Christmas songs in the shops and seeing all the gorgeous decorations. At a time when there is so much that is bleak and depressing in the world; the UK general election, President Trump’s impeachment hearing, Prince Andrew’s relationship with convicted sex offender and paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Boris Johnson’s relationship with Jennifer Arcuri when he was mayor of London. I’ve decided that for my mental health, I’m going to start to get my Christmas on and watch TV programmes that offer escapism from reality.

I’m going to wait till December to put my tree up but I have bought some new decorations. Just a few to give my tree a little extra something. Like the song Karma Chameleon, my colour scheme is red, gold and green – the same as last year. I tend to be quite traditional though I did have purple and silver decorations one year. I did fancy trying a copper colour scheme this year but trying to find copper decorations has proved difficult. I guess I’m ahead of the curve with copper! My fairy lights give off a warm white light so are thankfully compatible with whichever colour scheme I choose. One of the things I love about Christmas, is sitting in the lounge with only the lights from the tree lighting the room. It feels really magical.

I’ve always loved decorating the Christmas tree. I’m a firm believer in more is more when it comes to the Christmas tree. I’m also a terrible fiddler and will spend ages arranging and rearranging the baubles and ornaments. I love going home to my parents house. Seeing the decorations that I remember from my childhood, including the tinsel star that tops the tree that is older than me. It’s part of our family Christmas history and it’s traditional. I love Christmas traditions, they keep the magic of Christmas alive. I always watch the Raymond Briggs animation, The Snowman on Christmas Eve. I really love it even though it doesn’t have the happiest of endings.

In the meantime, I’m trying to figure out where to put my Christmas tree. I’m really lucky that my cat doesn’t bother with it. He is wary of new things so a tree that appears for a few weeks is not his thing. I know which corner of the room it’ll go in and where I’ll plug in the lights, I just need to decide where to move the table and chairs to. I guess that could be described as #firstworldproblems

I’m also looking forward to Christmas as it is my first with my boyfriend. We got together in January and I know that I’ve finally met my soulmate. For me Christmas is all about spending time with my loved ones and catching up with family. Whether I’m home in Scotland or here in Ireland…its going to be a Christmas full of love.

Published by Sassyscot79

I'm 40 and fabulous! I love good wine, nice gin and good food. Prefer cosy nights in to wild nights out and am figuring out the rest as I go along!!