Today has been a bad day. Nothing particularly bad has happened, I'm just tired of feeling like I'm living on my nerves all the time. I'm tired of feeling jittery and jumping at every notification that my phone sounds. Tired of jumping at every noise the wind makes. Tired of feeling overwhelmed. I know it …
Money’s Too Tight To Mention….
So as that magical day at the end of the month approaches (pay day), this month I am not looking forward to it. I look forward to pay day every month. I love seeing my bank balance look healthy and in the black - no matter how briefly - before the bill payments and other …
Anxiety is winning today
The image I have in my head is of arm wrestling contest. I'm trying to win so hard, the tendons and muscles in my arm are straining with the effort but anxiety is too strong and is kicking my butt. To use a boxing analogy, today my anxiety has me on the ropes. I feel …
Its late or early depending on which way you look at it. I'm still awake. I have a thumping headache. I can't sleep. Blogging won't help me sleep but at least I'm doing something productive. I'm tempted to clean the bathroom but I have good neighbours and it would be very anti-social at this hour …
Self sabotage and me
I've noticed that this can be something I have a tendency to do. Let me explain what I mean. For the past few months I've been trying to lose weight, exercise more and get healthy. For the last few weeks, while I've been battling my anxiety, I've ordered a couple of takeaways and am in …
If there’s an easy way or an awkward way…
I don't set out to be awkward or contrary, it just seems to happen that way. If I'm in the supermarket doing my shopping, I always somehow manage to choose the item with the barcode that doesn't 'best' example of this is the day I picked up the jar of pickled beetroot without any …
Continue reading "If there’s an easy way or an awkward way…"
Trying to think positively
I've felt a bit off today, a bit stressed and anxious but nothing I can really put my finger on. My sleep hasn't been great for a few weeks which doesn't help, but then I've never been a great sleeper anyway. The milk was sour this morning but it is summer so it happens and …
Healthy body…healthy mind
My battle with anxiety is ongoing, I'm taking it one day at a time. Today I'm feeling slightly more anxious as my focus turns to my physical health. I have an appointment with a consultant in relation to my high blood pressure. My GP has been checking it regularly since I started taking medication. I've …
Anxiety 1, Sassy 0
Today is a beautiful sunny day. Only a few white fluffy clouds in the sky. A gorgeous summer's day. Unfortunately today, I'm just not feeling it. My heart is beating fast, I feel sick, I'm very jumpy and my hands are shaking. I know it'll pass. Right now, anxiety is kicking my ass. I don't …
Better days are coming…one day at a time
I'm still feeling anxious but am slowly starting to win the battle...even if it is just for now. I'm focusing on living in the moment, creating a 'to do' list and starting with small tasks. Journaling and blogging are also helping me. It gives me somewhere to empty my head and gather my thoughts rather …
I've always been a worrier....if it was an Olympic sport; I'd win the gold, silver and bronze medals. Throughout my life I've been anxious about the usual things - exam results, interviews, medical test results and sometimes about work too. If I had a deadline approaching or a particularly tricky problem to solve but never …
Weigh in day
So it is 2 weeks since I downloaded NutraCheck the calorie counting app that I'm using to track what I'm eating and I weigh myself on Saturday morning. I will admit that there were 2 days that I went over my daily calorie allowance and 2 days that I didn't reach my exercise target but …
To my younger self…
As I approach 40 and embark on my lifestyle, health and fitness change; some thoughts/ wisdom that I'd like to share with my younger self. 1. You are not fat! Oh how I'd love to have that figure again. Okay so my boobs were never perky but I had shapely legs and an hourglass figure. …
Operation Get Healthy
Having got my head around my recent health news now it is time to get fit, lose weight and get healthy. I did Weight Watchers years ago and lost weight....before I put it back on again. This time it is for keeps. I downloaded NutraCheck a calorie counting app on a 7 day trial. Its …
Your health is your wealth….part 2
So as if having asthma and high blood pressure wasn't enough, my cholesterol is also a concern. It really jumped over a month. I've had repeat bloods done and have a prescription for medication depending on what the results of these bloods are. I won't lie, that came as a shock. I felt like my …