Vitamin D, depression and me – part 2

I’ve previously written about the impact of my low levels of Vitamin D on my mental and physical health. (Vitamin D, depression and me) It’s several weeks now since I finished my course of high strength Vitamin D capsules. I’ve been reluctant to go back to my GP for the repeat bloods, purely due to …

Vitamin D, depression and me

I’m really struggling at the moment. I’m recovering from yet another chest infection, back at work so dealing with a repetition of the work issues that plagued me over the last year or so and I’ve also recently discovered that my vitamin D levels are low. This has no doubt contributed to my recent chest …

If there’s an easy way or an awkward way…

I don’t set out to be awkward or contrary, it just seems to happen that way. If I’m in the supermarket doing my shopping, I always somehow manage to choose the item with the barcode that doesn’t scan….my ‘best’ example of this is the day I picked up the jar of pickled beetroot without any …