I’m feeling quite stuck in my anxiety and my situation. I know that there is action I need to take and some loose ends that need tied up and I will get there. I’m not strong enough to face it just yet. (Truth be told, the thought of it makes me feel physically sick.) I’m trying really hard to be kind and not be hard on myself, so in that spirit, I’m going to celebrate the things I can do – little victories if you will.

1. Going for a walk – while I accept that this may not be possible everyday due to the weather (it is November after all) I will try to get out. This also brings the opportunity to enjoy the colours of the leaves as they change and scrunching through dry leaves, both of which I love.

2. Having a shower – at this time of year I love nothing better than cosy pyjamas and the temptation is to stay in my pyjamas all day. Don’t get me wrong, the odd pyjama day is good for me, but not everyday. So, I’ll make the effort to have a shower most days. I love feeling fresh and clean as much as I love cosy pyjamas.

3. Wearing make up – linked to showering, on days when I’ve put make up on even if it is just some mascara, it has made me feel better. I’ve always included make up free days so my skin can breathe but I have noticed that when my mental health takes a dip, so does my attention to my appearance. On the flip side, I do feel more confident in going free of make up than in the past so for me now and moving forward, it’s finding a balance.

4. Taking my medication – just as with my asthma, my medication makes a difference to how I feel. If I’ve not collected my prescription on time, I do notice that my mood and mental health dip. My sleep also suffers in that I struggle to get to sleep and when I do, I have awful nightmares that result in me talking in my sleep and waking up drenched in a cold sweat. So I’m going to double check that I have enough of my anti-depressants and ensure that I take them every night.

5. Cuddles with my cat – this is something that happens on my cat’s terms. Always at bed time, he’ll snuggle up beside me on the bed and he’ll purr while I stroke his head and on occasion, rub his belly. I find his purring incredibly soothing. Some mornings he’ll come in and after his breakfast, he’ll miaow loudly from upstairs and we’ll snuggle up. It’s true what they say: dogs have owners, cats have staff. I am 100% at my boy’s beckon call but he is worth it. He is so affectionate and has been beside me on good days and bad.

6. Skincare – like with my showering and wearing make up, my skincare routine can slide. I’m 41 and so I feel like I want to up my game. I’ve introduced retinol to my nightly routine and as it’s autumn and my central heating is on, my skin is thirstier! I’ve also just got some goodies from Vichy that I’m keen to try out.

7. Nature – while I would love to be able to walk beside the sea (I don’t live near the coast and can’t travel due to lockdown 2.) I can enjoy nature closer to home. I have a robin who regularly visits my garden and because I have a bird feeder, there are lots of garden birds who visit. (Much to the entertainment and delight of my cat! Thankfully he’s not a hunter and prefers the guaranteed meals I provide.)

Published by Sassyscot79

I'm 40 and fabulous! I love good wine, nice gin and good food. Prefer cosy nights in to wild nights out and am figuring out the rest as I go along!!