It’s late August 2020. The weather has definitely turned cooler recently and we’ve just had Storm Ellen. The first of many no doubt. Coronavirus is still very much with us. Numbers of cases over the past few weeks have increased alarmingly. This day last week there were 200 new cases. The highest since May!

I am desperate to visit my parents. I am also terrified that I won’t be able to. I’m really worried that we’ll have to go back into lockdown to regain some control. I continue to socially distance, wash my hands, wear my mask and avoid crowded situations. I’ve seen the scenes on social media where people were blatantly disregarding all of those precautions. Don’t get me started on the Oireachtas Golf Club debacle! To say that I am aggravated, is an understatement.

What I have noticed is how quick we are to jump to blame. I include myself in this. Whether it’s young people, people who aren’t wearing masks, the government, holidaymakers….the list is endless. They are deemed to be to blame for the increase in cases. What happened to personal responsibility? What happened to doing the right thing? What happened to working together for the greater good? When did they cease to exist?

In the UK, the Coronavirus pandemic has often been likened to the Blitz or World War II. I can’t imagine anyone back then refusing to put black out curtains up because it is their entitlement to choose when they close their curtains! It just doesn’t wash with me. I do however appreciate that there are very valid reasons why some people cannot wear a face covering. Not wanting to wear one, is not one of them. Nor is feeling uncomfortable. Judgemental, yes. It is my view and I stand by it.

I know that I am sick of this pandemic and yearn for the things that I once took for granted. Please do the right thing. The virus doesn’t care if we are fed up, it is looking for every and any opportunity to spread. I know we all want this to be over; by doing what we can to protect ourselves and our loved ones, we will limit the spread. We got close to having no Coronavirus cases before and we will do again. We just have to stay apart a bit longer. I urge everyone to do their best. It is all we can do.

Published by Sassyscot79

I'm 40 and fabulous! I love good wine, nice gin and good food. Prefer cosy nights in to wild nights out and am figuring out the rest as I go along!!