Fear of the unknown

I’m not quite sure where I’m going with this or what I’m trying to say, but here goes. I’m feeling anxious (nothing new there) and I’m trying to figure out what is going on. I’ve been offered a job and am waiting on approval of references. I’m delighted and nervous. I want to do my …

Grief and loss

Recently, I’ve come to realise that there are events in my life that I haven’t grieved or am grieving but haven’t realised. (Grieving my childlessness) It’s made me realise that actually, I’m not good at grief. Grief is something that we will sadly all experience but nobody teaches us how to do it. It’s one …


Perhaps it is the time of year but I’m feeling quite nostalgic. Thinking about childhood memories from years ago, one in particular, my Granny’s sherry trifle. On New Year’s Day, we always used to go to my paternal Granny’s for dinner. The menu was always the same: homemade soup, steak pie with potatoes and peas …

Rediscovering my sassy self

One of my very close friends had her 40th birthday this week and we celebrated with a party. I very nearly didn’t go. I was so anxious about travelling on my own. My friend and I met on the very first day of the first week of term in our first year at University. We’ve …