Tired of feeling anxious

Today has been a bad day. Nothing particularly bad has happened, I’m just tired of feeling like I’m living on my nerves all the time. I’m tired of feeling jittery and jumping at every notification that my phone sounds. Tired of jumping at every noise the wind makes. Tired of feeling overwhelmed. I know it …

Healthy body…healthy mind

My battle with anxiety is ongoing, I’m taking it one day at a time. Today I’m feeling slightly more anxious as my focus turns to my physical health. I have an appointment with a consultant in relation to my high blood pressure. My GP has been checking it regularly since I started taking medication. I’ve …

Operation Get Healthy

Having got my head around my recent health news now it is time to get fit, lose weight and get healthy. I did Weight Watchers years ago and lost weight….before I put it back on again. This time it is for keeps. I downloaded NutraCheck a calorie counting app on a 7 day trial. Its …