Am I really okay?

I’m starting to wonder if my anxiety attack last Sunday was a sign that all isn’t 100% okay with my mental health. It’s okay if it’s not. I’d rather pick up on it early but it has left me feeling unsettled and uneasy. There’s a couple of factor’s that are playing a part and making …


Perhaps it is the time of year but I’m feeling quite nostalgic. Thinking about childhood memories from years ago, one in particular, my Granny’s sherry trifle. On New Year’s Day, we always used to go to my paternal Granny’s for dinner. The menu was always the same: homemade soup, steak pie with potatoes and peas …

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I know it is only November. I know that Thanksgiving is yet to happen, but I’m feeling Christmassy. I love the twinkling fairy lights, glitter, sparkle and general loveliness. I love hearing Christmas songs in the shops and seeing all the gorgeous decorations. At a time when there is so much that is bleak and …