Love is all you need

Love. Just four letters but together they make a word that is massively important. Love is amazing and life changing. Love makes you smile, makes your heart sing and makes you feel like you are walking on air. You don't get to my age without having experienced the highs of first love and the lows …

What DO I want to be when I grow up?

I'm starting to think that I've been settling. I've been off work for several months now, I've always said that I love my job and I don't want to leave. I was asked how I feel about having been off and my honest reply was that I miss the people but not the work. I've …

This too shall pass….hopefully

While it is true to say that I am feeling much more like myself than I have in a long time....something that my Mum commented on having noticed. These past few days, or more specifically nights, my anxiety has reared its ugly head. I've always had fairly crazy dreams and have definitely woken up shaking …

Sassy 1 – 0 Anxiety

Its been quite a journey over the last few months, not always an easy one as I've battled my anxiety. As I've previously mentioned, I've always been a worrier and been anxious at different times of stress, e.g. exams, waiting for results but never to the extent that it has seriously impacted my ability to …

Autumn and Asthma

I love autumn, its my favourite season. I love the colours as the leaves change and fall. I love wearing boots, cosy jumpers and scrunching through the leaves. I love wearing scarves and feeling cosy. I love the crisp mornings and autumn sunshine too. I love knowing that when "Strictly Come Dancing" is back on …


I feel like I'm at a real crossroads. I'm imminently about to turn 40. I think I'm still in denial about that....I don't feel 40. I don't even know what being 40 should feel like! In my head, I'm still 21. I think that 40 is a really grown up age, I'm nowhere near a …

Decision deadline approaches…

I feel overall that I'm winning my battle with anxiety. I'm feeling more positive and more like myself. Whether that is due to medication, my self-care or a combination of both, I don't know but whatever it is, I'm not complaining. Long may it last! There is one black cloud approaching on the horizon. Work. …

This keto life

I decided to give the keto diet a go in my mission to shift the excess weight that I've been carrying. I've done my research and although not everything I've read is positive - 'keto flu' does not sound fun - people lose weight and keep it off. I'm still trying to get my head …

You are what you eat

I haven't eaten great recently, there's been far too many takeaways, bars of chocolate, baked treats and big portions. I'm aware that I'm not eating right and putting pressure on myself to lose weight as my big birthday approaches. This just makes things worse as I go into full on sabotage mode. I'm also back …

A work in progress

I am not perfect. I make mistakes. Sometimes I speak without thinking. Sometimes what I say comes out wrong. Sometimes I say the wrong thing. Some days I feel like I can take on the world, other days getting out of bed is a challenge. I try my best. I'm still learning. My mental health …

Looking back to move forward

I've kept a diary for years, my memory isn't great so it's nice to have a record of my life. I also find it therapeutic. Its nice to have somewhere to note my thoughts, fears, worries, hopes and successes. I know that living in the past is not healthy. I am happy in the present …


On International Friendship Day, this seems very appropriate. I'm lucky that I have amazing friends. I may not have a huge number but those that I have are worth their weight in gold and I wouldn't swap that for all the money in the world. Life may have taken us in different directions and we …

“Be excellent to each other”

As I wake to news of two shootings in the USA, one in El Paso, Texas and the other in Dayton, Ohio. I think of those whose lives have been changed irrevocably. I think of the loss and the senselessness of it. Innocent people going about their lives, enjoying a night out or shopping on …

Be more cat

As I've been at home more recently, I've spent a lot more time with my cat. He's always been like my shadow but even more so now. He was a stray so its taken him some time to adapt to having a human and live with a human. He's always been friendly, he'd come to …

Self-care Saturday

This is what I've been doing today. Its been a bit of a rollercoaster week, my emotions have been on quite a ride seeing good days and tough days. Today is a tough day but there we go. Today has involved washing my bed sheets. I love that feeling of getting into bed when there's …