So I decided to transfer my blog from my site to my own website. I want to expand my horizons and make more of my blog…ideally earn some money from it. I’ve got a lot to learn!!

I started off the way I always do when I want to find something out….I Googled it. I found lots of pages taking me through it step by step. I used Bluehost to help me set up my new website. Its a whole new language. I find it baffling. It took me all day and don’t ask me how many times I had to change my password after forgetting it, especially as have an issue with Yahoo Mail blocking their emails!! Wouldn’t you just know that I’m with Yahoo!!!

Fast forward several weeks, I’ve been blogging away and posting on my Twitter and Instagram accounts quite the thing. I’ve had no notifications that my blogs were being read or my site visited. I figured that in time, the views would come. I find blogging therapeutic so all is good.

This morning I decided that I’d do something about making my website more visible. I registered my website with and then discovered that all the while I’ve been tinkering with my website and blogging away quite the thing, I hadn’t made my website go live…D’oh!!

It seems soooo obvious now – no wonder I’ve had no views or comments! My website has said “coming soon” for weeks. I’ve never professed to being the most tech savvy person in the world but I’m learning. Every day is a school day and as long as I learn from my experiences be they successful or otherwise, then I’ll keep getting better.

Ultimately, whether I have one follower or one thousand followers, I’ll keep blogging because I love it!

Published by Sassyscot79

I'm 40 and fabulous! I love good wine, nice gin and good food. Prefer cosy nights in to wild nights out and am figuring out the rest as I go along!!