Getting my craft on

What I’ve realised since being off work with stress and anxiety is that I need a creative outlet as part of my self-care. I’ve dabbled in knitting – something that I haven’t done since I was a child. I’ve taught myself how to purl and started to incorporate it into my knitting. I’m not likely …

Leaving my bubble

I’ve been off sick with stress, anxiety and depression following on from a sinus infection and how it impacted my asthma since May. I’m feeling a lot better, more like me again. I’m still not there yet but I’m a hell of a lot better than I was even this time last year. The thing …

Rediscovering my sassy self

One of my very close friends had her 40th birthday this week and we celebrated with a party. I very nearly didn’t go. I was so anxious about travelling on my own. My friend and I met on the very first day of the first week of term in our first year at University. We’ve …